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What the Latest NAR Settlement Means for You

You may have heard about the recent settlement in the National Association of Realtors (NAR) case, and it’s stirred up quite a bit of talk. But let’s clear up some misconceptions. This settlement isn’t about reducing the value of what real estate pros bring to the table or making homeownership harder to achieve. Instead, it’s […]

Buy Your Next Portsmouth, NH Home With A Bridge Loan

A bridge loan is a temporary loan that helps “bridge” a gap for you. It can allow you to buy a new home before you sell your old one. You can borrow money based on the equity in your current home to use for the down payment on your new home. Then, when you sell your old home, you can use the money to pay off the bridge loan.

Portsmouth, New Hampshire Single Family Homes

Price history To look at the history of single-family home sales in Portsmouth, New Hampshire I went back 19 years to get a good timeline of what’s been happening with prices. The chart above represents the median sales price of single-family Portsmouth homes from January 2005 through February 2024. The median price means that half […]

6 Cost-Effective Curb Appeal Enhancements to Make This Spring

Spring is here, and with its arrival comes the golden opportunity to elevate your home’s curb appeal. (Curb appeal is essentially the charm and attractiveness of your home as viewed from the outside, a key factor in shaping a buyer’s first impression!) With the milder weather and the vibrant blossoms of spring, it’s the perfect […]

Why Partnering with a REALTOR is a Game-Changer for Homebuyers

Embark on the exciting journey of finding your dream home with us, Ann Cummings and Jim Lee, as your trusted buyer agents in Portsmouth, NH. We’re here to turn the daunting task of homebuying into a seamless and fulfilling experience. By choosing us, you gain access to our extensive knowledge of the local market, personalized […]

Thinking About Selling? Boost Your Home’s Appeal This Spring

Key Facts: Enhance Curb Appeal: Tips for revamping your home’s exterior to make a great first impression. Brighten Your Home: Key insights on using lighting and decor to create a welcoming atmosphere. Spring Selling Strategy: Learn why spring is ideal for selling and how our team can help maximize your home’s potential. As the days […]

Don’t Let The Latest Portsmouth, NH Home Price Headlines Confuse You

Home prices are alive and well in Portsmouth, New Hampshire Based on what you’re hearing in the news about home prices, you may be worried they’re falling. But here’s the thing. The headlines aren’t giving you the full picture. If you look at the national data for 2023, home prices actually showed positive growth for the year. While this varies […]

Maximize Your Real Estate Potential with the Power of Local Market Statistics

Welcome to the dynamic world of local real estate! As your neighborhood experts, we’re here to make understanding market statistics easy and enjoyable. Whether you’re dreaming of a new home or getting ready to sell, a clear grasp of these local numbers is your key to a seamless and delightful real estate experience. Let’s dive […]

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