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Category Archives: market reports in new hampshire

Don’t Let The Latest Portsmouth, NH Home Price Headlines Confuse You

Home prices are alive and well in Portsmouth, New Hampshire Based on what you’re hearing in the news about home prices, you may be worried they’re falling. But here’s the thing. The headlines aren’t giving you the full picture. If you look at the national data for 2023, home prices actually showed positive growth for the year. While this varies […]

September 2023 Market Update For Portsmouth, NH

The September market statistics are out for Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Read on to see the latest Portsmouth property trends. The average price for a Portsmouth single-family home in September was $628,156, that’s a 26.8% decrease from the same time period in 2022. The Portsmouth condo average was $$1,030,245, a 9.8% jump from September 2022. There […]

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