If you are thinking of selling your New Hampshire Seacoast or southern Maine home here are 7 marketing mistakes you can’t afford to make. Review our handy list below………………….
- Not looking at ALL the current listings and recently sold properties within a certain radius of your house. Compare; age, size, amenities, bedrooms, baths, and other factors both buyers and appraisers consider. Pricing a property to sell is part art and part science.
- Not considering current market conditions. Market conditions were almost certainly different when you bought your property whether it was last year or 20 years ago. Price in today’s market for today’s buyers.
- Not having a selection of GOOD photos as well as a video and a virtual tour. Today’s home buyers are sophisticated and most likely looking online. Unless they can see some great imagery of your property to cause them to want to pay it a visit, your chances of selling go way down.
- Not marketing to your friends and neighbors, as well as passers-by. First of all, folks you know tend to be in the same socio-economic group as you. There’s a good chance they may know a buyer. Was your neighborhood blanketed with “Just Listed” postcards? A flyer box out front may be old-fashioned marketing but an updated flyer with a QR code and website URL often compels buyers to take a look and make an offer
- Not marketing to your friends and neighbors, as well as passers-by. First of all, folks you know tend to be in the same socio-economic group as you. There’s a good chance they may know a buyer. Was your neighborhood blanketed with “Just Listed” postcards? A flyer box out front may be old-fashioned marketing but an updated flyer with a QR code and website URL often compels buyers to take a look and make an offer
- Not staging your house to sell. The property you live in is not the property you’re selling. Set the stage to make it as visually appealing to potential buyers as possible. Staging pays huge dividends in a faster sale and higher sale price.
- Not having regular communications with your Realtor. Getting feedback from showings lets you adjust to comments buyers have. Getting regularly scheduled reports of marketing activity keeps you apprised of market conditions which change just like the weather.
If you’re thinking of selling or have been unsuccessful in selling in the past, let’s ensure you don’t make any of these 7 marketing mistakes that can prevent your house from selling.
Give us a call today on our direct number, 603-436-1221, we have the skills and experience to get the job done for you.
Visit http://www.newhampshiremainerealestate.com/client-success-stories and see how we helped sellers just like you get their house sold quickly, for the most money, and with the least amount of inconvenience.
Ann Cummings and Jim Lee, RE/MAX Shoreline, your Portsmouth NH, and New Hampshire Seacoast Realtors.