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Category Archives: Uncategorized

Portsmouth, New Hampshire Single Family Homes

Price history To look at the history of single-family home sales in Portsmouth, New Hampshire I went back 19 years to get a good timeline of what’s been happening with prices. The chart above represents the median sales price of single-family Portsmouth homes from January 2005 through February 2024. The median price means that half […]

Is A Housing Crash Coming in 2023?

In the past year, uncertainty and speculation have surrounded the real estate market. Many housing experts predicted a home price crash in 2023, leaving people unsure about the housing market’s stability. However, recent data from Fannie Mae tells a different story. Contrary to the forecasts, there has been a slow but steady improvement in confidence […]

Investing in Portsmouth, NH Real Estate

One Major Benefit of Investing in Portsmouth, NH real estate One of the many reasons to invest in a Portsmouth, NH, home is that it’s a significant way to build wealth and gain financial stability. According to Freddie Mac: “Building equity through your monthly principal payments and appreciation is a critical part of homeownership that can help you […]

Piecing together the real estate puzzle on the New Hampshire Seacoast

Expert Housing Market Forecasts for the Second Half of the Year The housing market is at a turning point. If you’re considering buying or selling a home, that may leave you wondering: is it still a good time to buy a home? Should I make a move this year? To help put the puzzle pieces in place for you, […]

Portsmouth, NH Home Prices, Which Way Are They Headed?

Portsmouth, NH Home Prices: It’s All About Supply and Demand As we enter the summer months and work through the challenges associated with the current health crisis, many are wondering what impact the economic slowdown will have on home prices. Looking at the big picture, supply and demand will give us the clearest idea of […]

Selling Real Estate During the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic.

Like the rest of the country, Realtors are sailing in previously uncharted waters during the COVID-19 pandemic. Selling real estate in a pandemic safely and effectively requires new skills and guidelines. First of all, because of guidelines discouraging gatherings of 10 or more people, our real estate offices are closed and the support staff is […]

Pre-approval is a must for Portsmouth, NH buyers.

Learn Why Pre-Approval Is the First Step in the 2020 Homebuying Journey When the number of buyers in Portsmouth, NH and the New Hampshire Seacoast housing market outnumbers the number of homes for sale, it’s called a “seller’s market.” The advantage tips toward the seller as low inventory heats up the competition among those searching for a place […]

Portsmouth NH | Spring Maintenance Checklist

Spring is here in spite of the continuing chilly temperatures around the New Hampshire Seacoast. If you’re thinking of selling your Portsmouth home soon here’s a handy maintenance checklist to review to ensure things are in tip-top shape to appeal to your buyers. Lоngеr dауѕ, ѕunѕhіnе, аnd blossoming flowers can only mеаn one thіng: It’ѕ […]

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