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Nothing Like The Sunsets In Portsmouth NH


                      Welcome to The New Year of 2015.

Happy New Year From Portsmouth NG

                     Waterfronts in Portsmouth NH

We want to wish you a safe, prosperous and joyful New Year.

As you leave 2014 behind and embark on new journeys in 2015, we wanted to give you some words of wisdom from some of the most affluent people in the world. We hope these positive, motivational and inspiring quotes help you to lead the joyful life each and every one of you deserve.

” Actions are seeds of fate. Seeds grow into destiny. “
~ Harry Truman

” It is neither wealth nor splendor, but tranquility and occupation which give happiness. ” 
~ Thomas Jefferson

” Until you commit your goals to paper, you have intentions that are seeds without soil. ” 
`                                                       ~Author Unknown

” In the middle of every difficulty comes opportunity. ”
~ Albert Einstein

” Your greatness is measured by your horizons. ”
                                                          ~ Michelangelo

” Be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded. “
~GOD, 2 Chronicles 15:7

Portsmouth NH Sunsets

                                     Sunset and Horizons

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