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Tag Archives: Seacoast New Hampshire

The Benefits of Buying a Multi-Generational Home in Portsmouth, NH

In today’s fast-paced world, the dynamics of family living have evolved. With changing economic landscapes and societal norms, multi-generational homes have become increasingly popular. A multi-generational home, defined as a residence where two or more adult generations live under one roof, offers many advantages. If you are considering buying a home in the charming city […]

September 2023 Market Update For Portsmouth, NH

The September market statistics are out for Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Read on to see the latest Portsmouth property trends. The average price for a Portsmouth single-family home in September was $628,156, that’s a 26.8% decrease from the same time period in 2022. The Portsmouth condo average was $$1,030,245, a 9.8% jump from September 2022. There […]

Is A Housing Crash Coming in 2023?

In the past year, uncertainty and speculation have surrounded the real estate market. Many housing experts predicted a home price crash in 2023, leaving people unsure about the housing market’s stability. However, recent data from Fannie Mae tells a different story. Contrary to the forecasts, there has been a slow but steady improvement in confidence […]

Why Live In Portsmouth, NH?

Are you considering moving to Portsmouth, New Hampshire? If so, you’re not alone! This charming coastal city has become a popular destination for people from all walks of life. In this blog post, we’ll explore five reasons people love living in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Rich History Portsmouth, New Hampshire, is a city that’s steeped in […]

The Silver Lining for NH Seacoast Homebuyers in the Wake of Bank Collapses

The collapse of these banks and the subsequent rapid drop in interest rates have led to a decrease in mortgage rates, as they typically align with the 10-year treasury. We’re now seeing mortgage rates below 6%—a significant reduction that could save you over $200 a month on the average home in the NH Seacoast

When is the best time to sell your NH Seacoast house in 2022?

The Best Week To List Your House Is Just Around the Corner Are you thinking about selling your house? If so, you may want to make it a priority to start the process soon. According to, the sweet spot for sellers is just around the corner. In a recent study, experts analyzed housing market trends by looking […]

Why Buy New Construction in Portsmouth, NH?

Even as the world around us changed, one thing in real estate has stayed consistent. We’ve been in a seller’s market for a while now—that is, the demand for homes (the number of buyers) has exceeded the supply (the number of homes available for sale). For sellers, that’s pretty great news. For buyers… it might mean a little more searching to find the right home. Unless, of course, you buy new construction in Portsmouth.

Selling Real Estate During the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic.

Like the rest of the country, Realtors are sailing in previously uncharted waters during the COVID-19 pandemic. Selling real estate in a pandemic safely and effectively requires new skills and guidelines. First of all, because of guidelines discouraging gatherings of 10 or more people, our real estate offices are closed and the support staff is […]

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