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Tag Archives: Homeowner Tips

Why You Shouldn’t Use Automatic Home Estimators to Price Your Home

Key Takeaways: Automatic estimator tools are popular amongst homeowners and sellers, but they aren’t always the most reliable. In some instances, these estimators can be off by thousands of dollars due to inaccurate data. If you’re looking for a better way to determine your home’s market value, give us a call to get started! Exposing […]

4 Bright Ideas for Staging Your Home with Lighting

Key Points: When it comes to selling your home, staging is the easiest way to make a great first impression both online and during an in-person tour. Focusing on the smaller touches can really impress buyers—and lighting is an important detail you should never overlook. Looking for more easy tips to transform your home and […]

Be Our Guest: 4 Ways to Transform Your Home into the Ultimate Entertaining Space

Key Points: Even in the middle of a pandemic, today’s homeowners are looking to make their spaces more conducive to entertaining. Certain upgrades—especially those in the entryway, kitchen, and backyard—have the potential to boost your home’s resale value. And best of all, your guests will love them just as much as you do! These projects […]

Make Your Home Boo-tiful with These 4 Halloween Staging Tips

If you step outside on a cool October afternoon, you might just smell some pumpkin spice and freshly picked apples wafting through the air. That can only mean one thing: Halloween is just around the corner! And while this ghoulish holiday delights both kids and kids-at-heart, it also creates interesting staging opportunities for home sellers. […]

Why Buy New Construction in Portsmouth, NH?

Even as the world around us changed, one thing in real estate has stayed consistent. We’ve been in a seller’s market for a while now—that is, the demand for homes (the number of buyers) has exceeded the supply (the number of homes available for sale). For sellers, that’s pretty great news. For buyers… it might mean a little more searching to find the right home. Unless, of course, you buy new construction in Portsmouth.

2020 Vision: The Top Home Features You Can Expect to See Next Year

The year is winding down fast, and with the upcoming rush of the holidays, it’ll be 2020 before you know it. Here are the top home features that are sure to be priorities for buyers in 2020! Separate Laundry Rooms It might be a little unexpected, but laundry rooms were one of the most highly […]

Is a Home Inspection Really Necessary? Why You Shouldn’t Skip This Important Step

Picture this: you’ve finally found the home of your dreams. It’s got all the features you’ve been searching for, and it’s in the perfect neighborhood. There can’t possibly be anything wrong with it…right? Though technically optional, home inspections Melbourne is highly recommended by most realtors, as it can save you thousands of dollars—or even prevent […]

Kicking Clutter to the Curb: Transform Your Home with These 4 Decluttering Tips

We’ve all been there. One day, you look around your house, and there’s just So. Much. Stuff. Stuff in boxes, stuff on the walls, stuff in the corners—just…stuff. If you’re gearing up to sell your home, you’re going to have to deal with all that accumulated clutter eventually. Luckily, there are plenty of simple strategies for getting the job done! 

Mortgage 101: What To Know Before You Apply

Everybody loves talking about mortgages. They’re fun, easy to understand, and a great icebreaker, right?….Wrong. Thanks to their lengthy process, technical jargon, and confusing options, mortgages have a bit of an intimidating reputation—but it doesn’t have to be that way! Know How Much You Can Spend If you’re feeling antsy about getting started and want […]

The 5 Biggest Mistakes to Avoid When Selling Your Home

If you’re gearing up to sell your home, you’ve probably read tons of articles all about what you should be doing…but what about what you shouldn’t be doing? After all, selling your home is a huge financial decision, and a misstep could mean losing out on your hard-earned profit.  Don’t let something as easy to […]

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