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Tag Archives: First-Time Home Buyers

Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Wait Any Longer to Invest in Real Estate

Key Takeaways: Even as home prices continue to climb, there’s never been a better time to get your foot in the door when it comes to real estate investing. You don’t need a lot of money to diversify your portfolio—in fact, you have more options than you might think! Whether you’re an experienced investor or […]

Your Comprehensive Guide to Picking the Perfect Neighborhood

Key Takeaways: If you’re thinking about buying a home, it’s important to choose the right neighborhood, especially if you care about resale value. Certain neighborhood features can increase your home value—and make you feel right at home in your new community.  When it comes to your home search, we have some features to keep in […]

3 Reasons All Buyers and Sellers Should Use Listing Alerts

Key takeaways: Listing alerts send new homes straight to your inbox as soon as they hit the MLS, and they’re the easiest way to keep up with the competitive market. Listing alerts aren’t just useful for buyers—they can also help sellers stay up-to-date on other current and sold properties in their neighborhood. Signing up for […]

3 Reasons You Shouldn’t Use Zillow to Search for a Home

Key takeaways: For years, Zillow has been one of the most popular real estate sites for buyers, sellers, and daydreamers—but it might not be the most reliable option for serious house hunters. If you want to shop the hottest deals and see homes before they hit the market, it’s better to work with a local […]

Mortgages Made Easy: How to Choose the Right Home Loan

Key Takeaways: As mortgage rates continue hovering near historic lows, many potential buyers are eager to make a move—but it can be hard to know which type of loan is best. There are dozens of different mortgage options available today, and some even have low down payment or credit score requirements. This can help a […]

Here are 4 Tricks to Choosing a Neighborhood You’ll Love!

If you’re thinking about buying a home, you’ve probably heard, “location, location, location!” on repeat. Finding the perfect city or town is one thing, but you’ll need to take it a step further. The right neighborhood matters more than you think, so before you start your search, we have some tips to help you find the perfect spot!

Is a Home Inspection Really Necessary? Why You Shouldn’t Skip This Important Step

Picture this: you’ve finally found the home of your dreams. It’s got all the features you’ve been searching for, and it’s in the perfect neighborhood. There can’t possibly be anything wrong with it…right? Though technically optional, home inspections Melbourne is highly recommended by most realtors, as it can save you thousands of dollars—or even prevent […]

Mortgage 101: What To Know Before You Apply

Everybody loves talking about mortgages. They’re fun, easy to understand, and a great icebreaker, right?….Wrong. Thanks to their lengthy process, technical jargon, and confusing options, mortgages have a bit of an intimidating reputation—but it doesn’t have to be that way! Know How Much You Can Spend If you’re feeling antsy about getting started and want […]

Saving up for a New Home? Here Are All the Costs You Need to Know

Once you’ve found the perfect home and secured the loan, all that’s left to do is start chipping away at those mortgage payments…right? In actuality, there are a handful of other, often-overlooked expenses that come with buying a home, but as long as you know what you’re getting into, they’re plenty manageable. One-Time Payments & […]

The Pros & Cons of a Buyer’s Letter: Standing Out in a Busy Market

Imagine, after weeks of searching, that you’ve finally found your dream home. It’s in the perfect location with the right features and exactly the amount of space you need. But after requesting more information, your agent informs you that there are already several offers made on the house. How do you stand out in a […]

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